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2014 Regional Activity Directors of the Year


Region 1A - Don Henderson, Triton

Region 2A - Jeff Annis, Maple River

Region 3A - Harlen Ulrich, Minneota

Region 4A - Chris Laird, Heritage Christian Academy

Region 5A - Emmett Keenan, St. Cloud Cathedral

Region 6A - Brett Schmidt, Hawley

Region 7A - Kathy Fredricksen, Moose Lake

Region 8A - Steve Bengston, Warroad


Class AA

Region 1AA - Tom Graupmann, Northfiled

Region 2AA - Tom Bauman,Buffalo

Region 3AA - Jack Zahr, St. Thomas Academy

Region 4AA - Nancy Galligan, Highland Park

Region 5AA - Brian Hegseth, Centennial

Region 6AA - Ted Schultz, Minnetonka

Region 7AA - Eric Lehtola, Andover

Region 8AA - Charlie Campbell, Brainerd


2014 Retiring Athletic/Activity Administrators

Dale Decker, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted, 24 yrs

Kathy Fredricksen, Moose Lake, 23 yrs

Bob Nangle, Pipestone, 41 yrs

Harlen Ulrich, Minneota, 20 yrs


Distinguished Service Awards

Tom Anderson, Sauk Centre

Ron Walters, LeSeuer-Henderson

Steve Feddema, St. Cloud Cathedral

Charles Klopp, North Branch


Distinguished Alumni

Joe Dziedzic, Edison High School


MnIAAA Student Athlete Scholarships

Heather Buerman, Rocori

William Dudley, Worthington


2014 National High School Federation State Award of Merit

Dr. David Hartmann, Alexandria


MnIAAA Hall of Fame

Ron Dobbs, New London-Spicer

Kathy Fredricksen, Moose Lake

Dwight Lundeen, Becker


Paul Krueger Class A Athletic/Activity Administrators of the Year

Emmett Keenan, St. Cloud Cathedral


Pete Veldman Class AA Athletic/Activity Administrators of the Year

Tom Graupmann, Northfield


Click on the names above to view the respective award videos

or visit our YouTube Channel to view all of the videos!


Mini-Conference Presentation Documents

Jenny Carpenter, Cotter Schools

"Coaching Leadership Development"

MnIAAA Presentation (PDF)

New Coach Orientation (PDF)

Coach Interview Questions (PDF)

CD_Summary2013 (PDF)


Joe Perkl, Hopkins & John Millea, MSHSL

"Social Media In The AD World"

Social Media In AD World (PDF)


Dr. David Hartmann, Alexandria

"NIAAA Quality Program Award"

Quality Program Presentation State AD Conference 2014 (PDF)

#8 Technology NIAAA (PDF)


Troy Urdahl. St. Anthony

"Designing a Student Interest Survey using Google Form"

Google Student Survey (PDF)


Russ Reetz, Lakeville North

Google Apps for Athletic Administrators


Sample PCA Surveys

Coaches Self Assessment

Parent Survey

Athlete Survey

Sample of Coaches Handbook using Google Sites

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